The Art of
Be Free to Create
I was an awkward child and I lived a weird life
I tried be who I believed others wanted me to be
But I wasn't happy and people didn’t like me much
Everything changed when I changed
As a result, I've had the privilege to be homeless twice,
and be invited to speak at Harvard about entrepreneurship
I have created a reality in which I am more free today than yesterday
Magic happens when we create space for the impossible

Nothing can make a person more happy than his/her own attitude to events. That I've learned a lot from you
Tami Bagashvili

If I had many lifetimes, I would devote one of them to nothing but conversations with Mercedes
Alexander Peter Swallow

HiR Fine Dining is the creation of Mercy (Mercedes Noam Kostucki), a Belgian business mentor and artist who loves good food. Mercy isn’t a trained chef and within 5 months of opening HiR Fine Dining, she was selected by OpenTable from their 40,000 restaurant for their selection of “25 dishes to travel around the world for”
Within the 2nd year of opening, HiR Fine Dining became #1 of all restaurant in the province of Guanacaste on TripAdvisor and was featured in the prestigious Fine Dining Lovers, as well as in La Nacion (Costa Rica’s largest newspaper), Reporter Gourmet, the Huffington Post and many more.
During Covid, Mercy moved to the capital city of Costa Rica and within less than 6 months her new home became #30 best restaurant on TripAdvisor for the city.

Mentoring for Entrepreneurs, Creators & Humans
Mercedes is an absolute goldmine of knowledge which she imparts articulately, readily and with great humour.
Philip Holmes, British Army and Serial Charity Entrepreneur
One year to create a magical transformation in your personal and/or professional life
Mercedes Noam Kostucki believes in integrating logic and magic. She’s a serial entrepreneur, business mentor, fine dining chef, and artist. Mercy published 10 books, traveled over 40 countries, and worked over 30,000 people.
Mercy’s work was featured over 100x in traditional and social media. She was invited to speak at institutions like Harvard, Yale, London School of Economics, TED and over 80 international conferences.
Patryk Wezowski published an article about how he raised $500,000 in 8 weeks thanks to Mercedes Noam Kostucki’s guidance and Esther Perel thanked Mercy here for her help in preparing to deliver the 30th most viewed TED talk.
Mercy became “Tiktok Famous” in Costa Rica in Aug 2020 for being a person who lives life fearlessly and responds to hate with love.
12 Months of Transformation
One on One Mentoring
One on One Retreat in Costa Rica
Daily Quantified Self
Weekly Future Self
Weekly Self Coaching